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Home >> The National Cheese Day celebrated her ten years old on 27th of march at Georges V Four Seasons hotel

The National Cheese Day celebrated her ten years old on 27th of march at Georges V Four Seasons hotel

It’s at the prestigious Georges V hotel that Fromages de Terroirs association organised a lunch for ten years old national cheese day. Cheese and culture are the right place in the splendid english saloon of the hotel. Journalists were pleased to taste very rare and disapeared cheeses with Hervé Mons, a famous french cheese specialist.

Ten years already that the Association created this public and festive event for the gratitude of the unpasteurized milk cheese, for the preservation of the confidential and farm productions which constitute the base of our food-processing history.

It was necessary to mark the occasion by celebrating the tenth birthday of the national cheese day to Georges V together with about forty journalists and Hervé Mons.

By choosing this splendid place, our association wanted to show that if the champagne and the other great wines have their place under the golds of luxury hotels, traditionnal cheeses deserve too the same treatment, in homage to the secular inheritance which made the reputation of our cheeses in the world. Much more than quite other food, the cheese symbolizes our culture, our know-how, the variety and the color of our landscapes, the variety of the races of animals which shaped the landscapes, our gastronomic reputation in the world. If anybody does not wonder to see the wine placed to the rank of the big cultural products, that is it some cheese? Who knows the Grand Crus of cheeses? Where find menu of cheeses in restaurants and a specialist who advise the customers? The association alerts the French citizens on the everyday acceptance of this product nevertheless highly symbolic.

Under the constant pressure of the industrial groups which are not unemployed either in creativity or in communication, unpasteurized milk cheeses and home-made diluted in the media landscape to disappear almost. The national cheese day is there to remind that our unpasteurized milk cheeses are what there is of better in the world, than producers fight every day to make continue a tradition in a hostile context, than consumers are more attached than we say it in the soil, and especially, than we guarantee this inheritance been jealous everywhere else! While the unpasteurized milk cheese becomes the ultimate in foreign countries in Spain, in Portugal, and even in the countries which were the biggest enemies of the soil as the United States, Canada or England, it is still too often marginalized in France.

If however we note encouraging signs towards AOC(PROTECTED DESIGNATION OF ORIGIN) stricter - last AOC for 4 years are all 100 % unpasteurized milk after 25 years of successive decrees to authorize the pasteurization, the consumption falls every 4 % year approximately (*) while the global consumption of cheeses remains (25kg a year / living). Several reasons could explain this phenomenon: a lack of information and communication which drives to the misunderstanding of the existence of these cheeses, the decrease of the distribution networks and the number of producers, a confusion skilfully maintained by a labeling which benefits industrial products... These bodies of evidence let think that it is necessary to act fast because it easier to deconstruct that to build. The rising wave in favour of the sustainable development could constitute a favorable element to boost the envy to consume unpasteurized milk cheeses provided that we explain the stakes. The development of the short circuits beams could favor the return in the farm and can also play an important role in the emphasis of its products.

The association constituted by cheese makers, producers, gastronomes activists, leaders gave for mission to inform the consumers to guide them in their choices. It means training them to learn to read a label, to make the difference between a brand and an AOC, to buy from the good price and to be requiring.

The media answer presents... More than 1 000 press articles appeared in the world told since 2001 the events connected to the activities of the association often arousing readers’ reactions taken aback by the disappearance of unpasteurized milk cheeses. By putting this problem on the square, the association contributes, modestly, to make advance the cause of traditionnal cheeses.

(*) The part of unpasteurized milk cheeses in the total production of cheeses falls constantly. It was 17,7 % in 1997, against 11 % in 2006. The global production of unpasteurized milk cheeses was 179 751 tons in 2008 against 194 604 in 2006.
